Everywhere else
Everywhere else
Everywhere else
Everywhere else
Everywhere else
Note: The comparisons here and indicative quantities are based on current approximate market prices and are provided for reference only. Prices are subject to change with the market prices of the crypto assets and with the spreads of Newton or the other platforms or exchanges referenced.
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But why Newton?
Direct purchase
Coins are rarely delisted, but when they are there, it’s usually due to one of two reasons: technical support or regulatory concerns.
As Newton is dependent on our liquidity providers and other service providers to allow us to properly support a coin, there are instances where one or more of our service providers advise us that, for various reasons, they are unable to continue to provide us with this support. When that happens with a coin, we are unable to support it any longer and we are forced to delist the coin.
Other times, the regulatory environment can change, or new facts surrounding a coin’s ecosystem may surface or change. Newton is required to keep a close eye on regulatory pronouncements and the regulatory environment of our listed coins, not just in Canada, but internationally as well for regulatory issues that may require us to reconsider whether we need to delist certain coins. For example, the terms of our order explicitly require us to review and continually ensure that we don’t list any coins that would qualify as a “security” or a “derivative” under Canadian securities laws. As a result, Newton may elect to delist a coin when it is undergoing additional scrutiny by regulators.
We do our best to give Newton users as much notice as possible when we’re delisting coins, and also typically stage the de-listing in phases.
Newton takes a number of different inputs into consideration when we launch a coin. First, we try to launch coins that our customers want! Then, we conduct due diligence to ensure that the coin is reputable and safe. Finally, we have to ensure our trading and custody providers support the coin.
If you want to make a suggestion, join our Discord and chime in on the #suggestions channel!
When we add a new cryptocurrency to our platform, initially we limit functionality to trading only. Usually funding and withdrawals are opened up within a few weeks.
All the time! We try to launch a coin at least once a month, but sometimes it’s more often. We support 70+ coins.
Recently added coins
Coins are rarely delisted, but when they are there, it’s usually due to one of two reasons: technical support or regulatory concerns.
As Newton is dependent on our liquidity providers and other service providers to allow us to properly support a coin, there are instances where one or more of our service providers advise us that, for various reasons, they are unable to continue to provide us with this support. When that happens with a coin, we are unable to support it any longer and we are forced to delist the coin.
Other times, the regulatory environment can change, or new facts surrounding a coin’s ecosystem may surface or change. Newton is required to keep a close eye on regulatory pronouncements and the regulatory environment of our listed coins, not just in Canada, but internationally as well for regulatory issues that may require us to reconsider whether we need to delist certain coins. For example, the terms of our order explicitly require us to review and continually ensure that we don’t list any coins that would qualify as a “security” or a “derivative” under Canadian securities laws. As a result, Newton may elect to delist a coin when it is undergoing additional scrutiny by regulators.
We do our best to give Newton users as much notice as possible when we’re delisting coins, and also typically stage the de-listing in phases.
Newton takes a number of different inputs into consideration when we launch a coin. First, we try to launch coins that our customers want! Then, we conduct due diligence to ensure that the coin is reputable and safe. Finally, we have to ensure our trading and custody providers support the coin.
If you want to make a suggestion, join our Discord and chime in on the #suggestions channel!
When we add a new cryptocurrency to our platform, initially we limit functionality to trading only. Usually funding and withdrawals are opened up within a few weeks.
All the time! We try to launch a coin at least once a month, but sometimes it’s more often. We support 70+ coins.