Some crypto platforms use their own token standards and blockchain networks to process transactions. When you transfer cryptocurrencies to Newton from a platform with its own network, there are a few things to be aware of. Always reference Newton's deposit instructions for the coin that you are depositing prior to sending funds. Ensure that the correct supported network is used and include a memo or tag if required. Incomplete, missing or incorrect information may result in the loss of funds. Crypto transactions are final and irreversible.
Platforms like Binance use their own token standards for coins within their own ecosystem. Binance's networks are called BEP2 (Binance Chain) and BEP20 (Binance Smart Chain), these networks are built on top of the Ethereum blockchain and can only be used to send funds to wallets that support those chains. Newton does NOT support transfers from BEP2 or BEP20 tokens.
Remember to use supported networks when sending transfers to Newton and avoid losing your funds.